Understanding the Impact of MTRL Assessments

Thank you for joining us on the third MTRL webinar!
Download the presentation here!
Within the SWForum.eu project one of the key objectives of the project is to provide guidance for increasing the competitiveness of European initiatives through the definition of a methodological approach to the improvement of their MTRL (Marketing and Technology Readiness Level), Mentoring, Technology Transfer & Best Practices guiding towards Policy Innovation. This objective aims at defining a methodology to provide guidance to projects to the assessment of their MTRL and to its consequent improvement, consequently improving the ability of project outputs to be launched to market as successfully as possible. Through the self-assessment tool developed, projects themselves can perform the assessment and receive initial guidance on possible improvements required.
In this webinar, by outlining the methodology that we use to obtain the TRL, MRL and MTRL values for outputs from projects that we are supporting, we will evaluate how projects have progressed through their lifetime and the efficacy of the MTRL methodology. We have seen that there is a structural framework behind the assessments to ensure that we are able to not only get projects to self-assess but also that they should be repeatable. This is a direct result of tracking the progress of these projects through multiple assessments, spaced appropriately through their lifetime.
Targeted Participants:
- EC-funded H2020 and Horizon Europe projects
- Policymakers and decisionmakers
- Software technology and digital infrastructure communities
- Marketing and business associates
- SMEs and Large Industries
You can rewatch the previous MTRL Webinars here.
See you at our Final event "SWForum.eu Way Forward Workshop on Future Challenges in Software Engineering" on 27 June 2023 at Politecnico di Milano. Registration is free and open until 22 June 2023.