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On this page, you can find our archive of informative publication materials: reports, deliverables, presentations and posters from experts within the European forum of the software research community speaking about various SWForum.eu-related topics. All the public materials published by SWForum.eu partners are available on our Zenodo community link.

Project deliverable

D4.5 Market and Technology Readiness Level methodology and assessments V2

Wallom, David; Agrawal, Rohan

This report will focus on the progress in the MTRL methodology as well as project self-assessments and progress through the stages of market and technology readiness. This deliverable also includes description about the webinars conducted on the MTRL method..

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66 Views45 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.3 Cross-fertilization workshop report – v3

Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Novakova Nedeltcheva, Galia; Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John

This deliverable is an extension of the results described in D2.2 (Cross-fertilization workshop report - v2), where we have reported about the hybrid WEGreen workshop, co-hosted by SWForum.eu and HUB4CLOUD, on the topic of “Engineering Green and Susta..

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Project deliverable

D4.3 Report on dissemination, communication and stakeholder engagement – v2

Favaro, John; Albergas-Arteza, Julie; Smith, Zachary; Alonso, Juncal; Wallom, David; Miller, Mark; Di Nitto, Elisabetta

This document provides information on how the project has targeted the main target stakeholders through various channels, such as the SWForum.eu website, social media, events, and webinars, etc. The document also reports on quantitative and qualitative meas..

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Project deliverable

D3.5 Software Forum Research Roadmap v3

Alonso, Juncal; Ostolaza, Elixabete; Sanchez, Begoña

This document is the third version of a series of three documents. Its aim is to provide policymakers with research and innovation priorities in the field of software technologies, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructures.

To achieve this, a roadm..

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72 Views46 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.8 Fellowship programme, governance structure and business model for SWForum.eu – v3

Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Novakova Nedeltscheva, Galia; Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John; Miller, Mark

This deliverable is the third of a set of deliverables presenting the results of task “T3.3 - Definition and creation of a Governance structure and business model”. The deliverable provides an overview of the concrete steps conducted by the SWFo..

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Project deliverable

D2.7 Project Radar Landscape Analysis V2

Wallom, David; Agrawal, Rohan

The SWForum.eu project is a CSA aiming to support a large number of software related projects funded by the European Commission in the H2020 programme. As such it is important that we consider what these projects have created as outputs and where they have ..

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Project deliverable

D3.2 - SWForum.eu Landscape Report v2

Miller, Mark

This Landscape Report deliverable is the second and final in a series of two Reports, meant to describe the landscape surrounding the SWForum and the currently existing and successful structures, which can provide model elements for the final form..

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Project deliverable

D3.4 Software Forum Research Roadmap v2

Alonso, Juncal; Ostolaza, Elixabete; Sanchez, Begoña; Ruiz, Alejandra; Martinez, Jabier

This document is the second version of a series of three documents, whose aim is to provide policymakers with research priorities identified in the field of software technologies, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure. To achieve this, a roadmap methodo..

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129 Views53 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.2 Cross-fertilization workshop report – v2

Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Novakova Nedeltcheva, Galia; Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John

This deliverable is an extension of the results described in D2.1 (Cross-fertilization workshop report - v1), where we have reported about two other cross-fertilization workshops organised under the task T2.1. The main objective of the task T2.1 is to organ..

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81 Views62 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.4 – MTRL Methodology & Assessments V1

Wallom, David

Within this deliverable of the SWForum.eu project we discuss the Marketing and Technology Readiness Level (MTRL) approach to product assessment and its application within the SWForum.eu set of supported projects to understand how we may improve their compet..

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Project deliverable

D2.6 – Project Radar Landscape Analysis V1

Wallom, David; Agrawal, Rohan

D2.6 will take stock of the software projects funded in relevant EU funding streams and produce in-depth analyses of the resulting data. For the projects selected, the mini-sites will be developed. This is the result of tasks T2.2 and T2.3.

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50 Views37 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.2 - Report on dissemination, communication and stakeholder engagement – v1

Favaro, John; Abergas-Arteza, Julie; Smith, Zachary

This document provides information on the activities carried out in the first reporting period (M1-18), their impact, and proposes a set of actions for the future.

The document provides information on how the project has targeted the main targe..

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71 Views41 Downloads
Project deliverable

D3.7 – Fellowship programme, governance structure and business model for SWForum.eu - v2

Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Nedeltcheva, Galia

This deliverable is the second of a set of deliverables presenting the results from the work of task T3.3 - Definition and creation of a Governance structure and business model. It provides an overview of the current status of the concrete steps conduc..

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Project deliverable

D3.3 – SWForum Research Roadmap – v1

Orue-Echevarria Arrieta, Leire

There will be three iterations of this roadmap. The first iteration will include the scoring methodology valorising the software technology, digital infrastructures and cybersecurity research and innovation roadmap and the necessary step..

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56 Views70 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.1 Cross-fertilization workshop report – v1

Elisabetta Di Nitto; Pierluigi Plebani; Galia Novakova Nedeltcheva

This deliverable constitutes the first result produced by task T2.1 - Cross-fertilization Workshops organisation, in the context of the SwForum.eu project. The main objective of the task is to organize and deliver three workshops involving stakeholders from..

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82 Views60 Downloads
Project deliverable

D2.5 Project Radar Technical Roadmap

Wallom, David

The SWForum.eu project is a CSA aiming to support a vast array of software-related projects funded by the European Commission in the H2020 programme. This deliverable is the second document to be published by Work Package 2, reflecting the necessary steps t..

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Project deliverable

D3.1 Landscape Reports - v1

Miller, Mark; Menezes-Miller, Victoria

This Landscape Report deliverable is the first in a series of two Reports, meant to describe the landscape surrounding the SWForum and the current existing and successful structures, which can provide model elements for the final form of the SWForum.


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Project deliverable

D2.4 Project Radar Taxonomies

David Wallom

The SWForum.eu project is a CSA aiming to support a vast array of software related projects funded by the European Commission in the H2020 programme.

This deliverable is the first document to be published by Work Package 2, reflecting the research a..

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109 Views59 Downloads
Project deliverable

D4.1 Plan for dissemination, communication & stakeholder engagement

Favaro, John; Arteza, Julie; Smith, Zachary

Consistent and content-rich communication is strategic to showcasing the results and impact of the objectives and goals within SWForum.eu. This plan presents the activities to be put in place by the consortium during the 30 months of the project. This plan ..

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Project deliverable

D3.6 Fellowship programme, governance structure and business model for SWForum.eu – v1

Di Nitto, Elisabetta

This deliverable constitutes the first result produced by task T3.3 - Definition and creation of a Governance structure and business model - in the context of the SwForum project. The main objective of the task is to define the approach, governance structur..

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SWForum.eu The Way Forward: Workshop on Future Challenges in Software Engineering

Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John; Miller, Mark; Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Wallom, David; Ciavotta, MIchele; Di Nucci, Dario; Higgins, Martin; Giordanino, Marina; Lattari, Francesco; Lavazza, Luigi; Quintano Fernández, Nuria; Casola, Valentina; Morano, Francesco; Baresi, Luciano; Stankovski, Vlado; Osaba, Eneko; Prodan, Radu

SWForum.eu Way Forward Workshop: Future Challenges in Software Engineering, held on 27 June 2023 at the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), in the Dipa..

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SWForum.eu Webinar: Understanding the Impact of MTRL Assessments

Wallom, David

In this webinar, by outlining the methodology that we use to obtain the TRL, MRL and MTRL values for outputs from projects that we are supporting, we will evaluate how projects have progressed through their lifetime and the efficacy of the MTRL methodology...

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SWForum Webinar: DevOps Innovation in Practice: New lifecycle processes, new applications

Favaro, John; Alonso, Juncal; Piliszek, Radosław; Panichella, Sebastiano; Tamburri, Damian; Sadovykh, Andrey; Cankar, Matija

Born in the wake of the agile movement in the early 2000s, DevOps has today become one of the primary drivers of continuous software engineering. By integrating software development and IT operations, it has helped to achieve unprecedented levels of workflo..

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Webinar: Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability and Innovation

Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John; Ferran, Diego; Luna Garcia, Jesus; Giuffrida, Maria; Walshe, Ray

On 21 February 2023, SWForum.eu organised its second webinar focussing on “Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability ..

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SWForum.eu Webinar: Leveraging OS technologies for better services in the European software ecosystem

Favaro, John; Alonso, Juncal; Busquets Pérez, Luis Carlos; Vitorino, Ricardo; Drosos, Giorgos; Oikonomou, Konstantinos; Ferguson, Nicholas

The contribution of software and the software-based services (SSBS) industry to the EU economy has been increasing in recent years in every dimension (employment, value-added, and productivity).

Leveraging existing technologies and services, the SWF..

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SWForum WEGreen Workshop at GECON 2022

Juncal Alonso; David Ekchajzer; Ilias Iakovidis; Vasilios Andrikopoulos; David Mytton

Paying attention to sustainability and the environmental impact of products and processes is a normal and expected part of all activities. We have seen national and international commitments around this, for example, the EC and many national governments are..

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DevOps Innovation in Practice: New lifecycle processes, new applications

Alonso, Juncal; Favaro, John; Piliszek, Radosław; Cankar, Matija; Sadovykh, Andrey; Tamburri, Damian; Panichella, Sebastiano; Abergas-Arteza, Julie

On 20 April 2023, SWForum.eu successfully organised its third webinar series on "DevOps Innovation in Practice: New Lifecycle Processes, New Applica..

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86 Views91 Downloads

Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability and Innovation

Alonso, Juncal; Diego, Ferran; Luna Garcia, Jesus; Giuffrida, Maria; Walshe, Ray; Favaro, John; Abergas-Arteza, Julie

On 21 February 2023, SWForum.eu organised its second webinar focussing on “Software Technologies and Standards: Enabling Interoperability ..

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298 Views175 Downloads

Leveraging Open Source Technologies for Better Services in the European Software Ecosystem

Favaro, John; Alonso, Juncal; Vitorino, Ricardo; Drosos, George; Oikonomou, Konstantinos; Ferguson, Nicholas; Abergas-Arteza, Julie

On 10 October 2022, SWForum.eu collaborate with several EU-funded projects, namely: FASTEN, FogProtect, Pol..

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