Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: SWForum fosters the need for a solid Software Community towards an open Cloud, Edge and IoT Computing Continuum in Europe

On May 10-11 participated in the Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum organized by the European Commission and the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative, along with more than 40 RIAs (Research and Innovation Actions) and IAs (Innovation Actions) from Cloud and Software calls.
The event was organized in two days: Day 1 “Concertation” was focused on the cooperation, awareness and generating synergies between ongoing Research and Innovation projects. During this first day the projects were invited to present their objectives, outcomes and lessons learned in a Pitch session, as well as the participation in several networking sessions such as guided tour through the projects’ roll-ups, or a cocktail dinner where the participants were able to exploit plenty of opportunities for networking. In addition, the EUCloudEdgeIoT Cooperation Mechanisms (task forces) were discussed and the main supporting services for the research and innovation projects were presented. In this first day, chaired a panel about “Software models, tools and processes for the continuum” where the projects FOCETA, PIACERE and VITAMIN-V exchanged their vision of the next challenges to address in the context of Software engineering for the Continuum.
Day 2 “Consultation” was oriented to gather the input of the relevant stakeholders to gather innovative ideas for the next Horizon Europe Work Programme (2025-2027). Several initiatives presented their “Call for Expressions of Interest” with new trends, vision and tracks for research in the Computing Continuum. Research roadmaps were also presented by other initiatives. In this case, presented the “Software Forum Research & Innovation Roadmap in Software Technologies, Cybersecurity and Digital Infrastructure”. The second version of the Roadmap is currently available, and the coordinator of took the opportunity to launch the third phase of the Roadmaps consisting of several Open Consultation events.
Thanks to all the participants, both panellists and audience, and of course the organizers, the EC and the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative for the two days of exciting and fruitful discussion on the current status of the Computing Continuum in Europe and the opportunity to contribute to future research and innovation priorities and plans, help shaping agendas and decisions on future investments.